Understanding Hoarding Disorder

Join Jonathan and Krista in this enlightening episode as they delve into the complex issue of hoarding in rental properties. This discussion explores hoarding as a recognized mental condition, its implications under the Fair Housing Act, and practical strategies for landlords to effectively manage and prevent hoarding situations.

Key Topics Discussed:

What is Hoarding?

The episode begins by defining hoarding as outlined in the DSM-5 by the American Psychiatry Association, highlighting the significant emotional distress and inability to discard items that lead to excessive accumulation.

The Fair Housing Act and Hoarding:

Hoarding is classified as a disability under the Fair Housing Act, which protects individuals from discrimination. The hosts discuss the responsibilities of landlords in accommodating tenants with hoarding behaviors while complying with the law.

Messiness vs. Hoarding:

A clear distinction is made between simple messiness and hoarding. Unlike messiness, hoarding is characterized by an emotional attachment to possessions that severely impairs living conditions.

Signs of Hoarding:

The podcast outlines the signs that landlords and property managers should look for, including blocked exits, overflow of clutter, and the potential health hazards such as pests or unsanitary conditions.

Preventing Hoarding in Rentals:

Practical advice is offered on how landlords can include clauses in lease agreements to facilitate regular inspections and set clear expectations for property maintenance, helping to prevent hoarding situations from developing.

Addressing Active Hoarding Situations:

When dealing with active hoarding cases, the hosts emphasize the importance of approaching tenants with empathy and understanding, discussing strategies for dialoguing about cleanliness while offering support and resources.

Being a Better Landlord:

The episode concludes with advice on how landlords can maintain a human connection with their tenants, fostering an environment that encourages open communication and facilitates early intervention in potential hoarding situations.


The discussion wraps up by stressing the importance of empathy, understanding, and legal compliance in managing hoarding in rental properties. The hosts remind listeners of the critical role landlords play in offering support and resources to tenants dealing with hoarding issues.