Rental Applications

Key Takeaways:

  • Importance of a Comprehensive Rental Application: A rental application is essential for gathering critical information about potential renters, including their contact details, rental history, job history, and information about additional occupants and pets. This helps landlords make informed decisions about who they are renting their property to.
  • Verification of Rental History: Understanding a potential tenant’s previous rental behavior is crucial. It can provide insights into their reliability and responsibility as tenants. Landlords are permitted to contact previous landlords to verify information provided by the applicant.
  • Job and Income Verification: Ensuring that potential tenants have stable and sufficient income to meet rental payments is vital. This involves checking pay stubs, bank statements, and other financial documents to authenticate the sources of income and to prevent fraud.
  • Handling Sensitive Information: It’s important for landlords to handle sensitive information such as Social Security numbers and financial details responsibly. Using secure online platforms for application processes can help in maintaining privacy and security.
  • Standardizing the Application Process: To avoid any form of discrimination, landlords should use a standardized application process for all applicants. This includes asking the same questions to all potential renters and adhering to fair housing laws by avoiding any queries about the seven protected classes: race, religion, national origin, familial status, sex, color, and disability.
  • Pet and Occupant Policies: Landlords should clearly communicate any policies regarding pets and the number of occupants allowed. This includes specifying any restrictions on the type, size, or number of pets.
  • Use of Online Application Tools: Utilizing online tools for rental applications can streamline the process, ensuring that applications are filled out uniformly and stored securely. These tools often integrate directly with services for background checks and credit reports, making the screening process more efficient.
  • Screening Process: After collecting applications, landlords should proceed with a thorough screening process, checking credit, background, and eviction history to ensure potential tenants meet their established rental criteria. This is the final step in choosing the most suitable tenant for the property.


Seamus Nally:

I’m Seamus, CEO of TurboTenant, joined by Samantha, the Landlord Experience Specialist at TurboTenant, and she’s here to help me be a better landlord. So Samantha, I’ve got a vacancy coming up in the next couple of weeks. I’ve got a bunch of interested renters, and I have no clue how to run the rental application process. Why do I even need a rental application?

Samantha Yadav:

A rental application is a great way for you to collect details about the interested renters. Not just their contact information like their name and phone number, but also details about their previous and current rental history, their job history, other occupants in the home, if they have pets and animals in the home. So that you can make a qualified decision on who’s going to rent your home.

Seamus Nally:

That makes sense, but it sounds like a lot of information. Why do I need to know their previous rental history?

Samantha Yadav:

It’s important to know how they’ve treated their previous homes. And if there are things like a past due balance that are owed to the current landlord or past landlord. It’s important to know if they had damages at the home when they moved out and if they had any lease violations or perhaps were evicted. You’d want to know those things before allowing someone into your rental and your investment.

Seamus Nally:

Am I actually allowed to reach out to that previous housing provider and ask those questions?

Samantha Yadav:

Absolutely. On most rental applications, you’ll have an application authorization that the renter will sign, giving you permission to ask additional details of the people listed on the application.

Seamus Nally:

You also mentioned that I should get job history. What exactly am I looking for there?

Samantha Yadav:

So you have a rental property that is going to have expenses. You want to make sure that you can pay your expenses monthly – your mortgage, utilities, contracts, things that you have to keep your business running. And you want to make sure that the renter you select is going to be able to support the monthly rental payments to help you support your expenses.

Seamus Nally:

Should I worry about the kinds of income that they mention on that, or is it really just, do they have enough income to meet the rent?

Samantha Yadav:

You’ll set your own income requirements when you’re going through your screening criteria. It’s important to look at verifiable sources of income, like a pay stub, bank statements, tax documents, things like that, to ensure that they’re not fraudulent documents when you’re qualifying renters.

Seamus Nally:

And I’m allowed once again to collect those documents right alongside the application?

Samantha Yadav:

Absolutely, yeah. You can ask the renters to submit those documents to you when they’re submitting the application, and you can provide a supervisor’s phone number on the application that you can call and verify their employment.

Seamus Nally:

Okay, so so far I have an application. It has their contact information. I’ve got some previous rental history and some income and job history. What else should be on that application?

Samantha Yadav:

You should definitely understand how many persons will be occupying the home. Not just the leaseholders or adults that will be on the lease, but also any minors or dependents that would be in the home as well.

Seamus Nally:

Okay, let’s talk about those little critters that every landlord loves: pets. Can I ask about pets on the rental application?

Samantha Yadav:

Yes, you can ask about pets and animals on the rental application. You can ask how many. You can state your pet policy if you have one. You can ask the age, the breed, and the type of animal that you have. And if it’s a pet or an emotional support animal as well.

Seamus Nally:

Alright, with all of that, what are some things I actually should make sure I am not asking on an application?

Samantha Yadav:

The first thing is just to make sure that you’re asking all the same questions of all your applicants to avoid discrimination. So using a standard rental application, streamlining the process with an online application is even better. But you want to make sure that you’re not customizing questions or personalizing questions for an individual. You also want to make sure that you’re avoiding seven protected classes of fair housing so that you’re not discriminating against anyone.

Seamus Nally:

Well, you’ll have to excuse me, but I don’t know what the seven protected classes are. You mind walking me through them?

Samantha Yadav:

Yeah, so the seven protected classes are race, religion, national origin, familial status, sex, color, and disability. And in some places, asking things like source of income is also locally not permitted per discrimination laws.

Seamus Nally:

I’m also curious, you mentioned to make sure I’m not asking different questions to any applicants. But let’s say there are partners that are applying to live in the property. Do both of them need to fill out an application?

Samantha Yadav:

Yes, as it relates to things like income, it can be a combined income if you have two people, whether that’s a married couple or roommates or whatever the case may be. You can combine their income to ensure they qualify. But when it comes to things on the screening report, like the credit and the background, the eviction history, even housing details and employment history, it’s going to differ on the individual. So you want to make sure you collect the same information from everybody.

Seamus Nally:

So with all these tips, I now have to sit down at Word and create my own application. Are there places I can go to actually get an application that abides by all of these standards that you’re mentioning?

Samantha Yadav:

Yeah, so you can find plenty of downloadable resources online. You can find sample applications. But the best way to make sure you’re following all the guidelines is to use an online platform that’s going to streamline and keep all that information together for you for easy access. It’s also helpful when using online software like TurboTenant, where we’ll collect things like the social security number on your behalf, send that to TransUnion, so that you’re not responsible for that private information of the renter.

Seamus Nally:

That sounds incredible. Alright, so now that I’ve got an online application, I don’t have any of that private information tucked away in my desk. What do I do next?

Samantha Yadav:

The next step is to look at all of your applicants, consider them with that rental criteria that you should have established at this point, and move forward with the screening process.

Seamus Nally:

You want to tell me a little bit more about the screening process?

Samantha Yadav:

Yeah, in the screening process, you can collect the credit, the background, and the eviction history of the renter to determine if they’re going to be qualified for your home.

Seamus Nally:

Awesome, that sounds like a lot to dive into. So we’ll do it another time. That sounds great. Thanks a lot, Samantha.

Samantha Yadav:

Yeah, of course. Thanks for talking with me today and making me a better landlord.


Seamus Nally
Seamus Nally
Samantha Yadav
Samantha Yadav