What is Appraised Value?

The appraised value is the amount a real estate appraiser estimates your home is worth when it comes time to sell it.

The appraised value is the amount a real estate appraiser estimates your home is worth when it comes time to sell it. It doesn’t just take into account the market value, but also includes an analysis of how much money you can get when selling it.

The purchase price isn’t the final cost when you buy a home. Your lender will likely require you to pay various closing costs, property taxes, homeowner’s association (HOA) fees, and other expenses that will come directly out of your pocket.

The appraised value is the estimated price your home will be worth if you sell it. It’s also the amount a real estate appraiser estimates your home is worth when it comes time to sell it. A real estate appraisal is the process of assessing the current value of a property.

It is done by a licensed real estate appraiser who uses comparable property sales in your area and other factors, such as the property’s condition and age, to come up with a value. The appraised value of real estate is not the same as market value or fair market value, which is what a willing buyer and seller would agree upon in an arms-length transaction.

Effects on Purchase Price

The appraisal is the first hurdle a home buyer must jump over when applying for a mortgage. It’s when the appraiser determines how much your lender will loan you based on the home’s current value. The lender compares the appraised value to the home’s sale price and then makes adjustments based on those figures.

If the appraisal indicates that the purchase price is lower than the amount you agreed to, you might need to adjust the property’s sale price or get a new loan. If the appraisal indicates that the purchase price is higher than the amount you agreed to, the lender might ask you to make the difference or get a new loan. Or the lender might decide to increase the amount you can borrow.

If the Appraised Value is Higher Than Purchase Price

This is a very positive outcome for the buyer. You know your appraiser is basing the purchase price on the sale price that you and the seller agreed to. However, lenders will also look at the appraised value to determine the amount of the mortgage they’ll loan you.

If the appraised value exceeds the purchase price, your lender will likely increase the amount they’ll loan you. This is an excellent outcome because the more money that your lender will lend you, the more properties you could potentially buy. This is a rare occurrence, but it does happen.

If the Appraised Value is Lower Than Purchase Price

This is a challenging situation. The results of the appraisal show that the home is worth less than the purchase price. All is not lost, however. There are ways to get through this situation and still buy the home.

According to Forbes Advisor, in this situation you can ask the seller to lower the sale price to match the appraised value. You might have to make an offer lower than the price you originally agreed upon, but it’s worth asking. You might have to explain why you want them to lower the price and why you think they’ll be unable to get another buyer unless they lower the price.

How to Calculate Appraised Value

Appraised value = Sale price x Expected sales rate – Closing costs – Repairs. The expected sale rate is the average time it takes to sell a similar home in your area. The closing costs are the fees charged by your lender and the title company. The repairs are the cost to fix anything that needs fixing.

Assessed Value vs. Appraised Value

A government official calculates the assessed value, which is used to determine what you will owe in property taxes.

The assessed value is based on the home’s worth when the person evaluating it last re-appraised the property. When you’re ready to sell the home, the appraised value is based on what the home is actually worth. The appraised value is the estimated amount a willing buyer would pay for your house.

The assessed value is the estimated cost to the government of owning your house. The assessed value is not the same as the appraised value. The appraisal is done by a paid professional to determine the property’s value. A government official assesses to set the tax rate. The appraised value is always higher than the assessed value.

HUD Appraised Value Disclosure

The HUD-1 Form is a standardized mortgage document required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It requires sellers to disclose the home’s appraised value as part of the HUD Appraisal and HUD Closing Disclosure. This is not the same as the contract price or sales price. HUD requires the seller to inform the buyer of the home’s appraised value.

HUD requires sellers to disclose the appraised value of the home in their HUD Closing Disclosure. A licensed appraiser determines the home’s estimated value. HUD requires sellers to declare this as part of the HUD Closing Disclosure, so buyers have all the information they need to make an informed decision about buying the home.

How to Increase the Value of Your Real Estate

Real estate is a booming market, showing no signs of slowing down. Analysts expect the real estate market to continue growing. However, with so many people involved in real estate purchases, you must stand out to ensure your property investments are as profitable as possible.

There are many ways to invest in real estate and increase its value so you can sell it for more money later. Here are some tips and tricks on increasing the appraised value of your rental property when it comes time to sell.

  • Quality – Appraisers look at the quality of your materials, fixtures, and finishes to determine how much your home is worth. They look at how much attention to detail you put into your home. The more high-quality and unique the individual elements are inside your home, the higher appraised value you’ll receive.
  • Condition – Appraisers also look at how well you maintained your home. They look at your home’s situation to determine its worth. If your home is well maintained and clean with everything in good working condition, then you’ll receive a higher appraised value. They also consider things like the age of your home and how much it would cost to repair or rebuild.
  • Location – This factor is critical in determining the value of your home. Appraisers will consider the location of your home to determine how much it’s worth. They also consider traffic, local amenities, and the schools in your area.
  • Value area – The value of your area depends on various factors such as local amenities, the quality of the road access, and comparable nearby homes.