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  • Krista Reuther


    Oof, that’s a tricky situation!

    Based on what I’m seeing from Honeycomb Insurance, the second amendment protects the rights of gun owners at a federal level only. Because of this, states have the ability to come up with their own specific laws regarding firearms in a rental.

    Four states have specific laws about guns and rental agreements at the time of writing:

    • Virginia: forbids landlords from restricting gun possession in their rentals
    • Tennessee: allows landlords to ban guns, even if the tenant has a handgun carry permit
    • Minnesota: forbids landlords from restricting gun possession in their rentals if the tenants have a permit
    • Wisconsin: allows landlords to forbid guns from common areas of the property but doesn’t speak on the ability to have guns in the individual rental unit

    So, if you live in a state that’s not VA or MN, you can ban guns from your rental with language in your lease.