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Home Forums General How long did you wait before becoming a real estate investor?

  • How long did you wait before becoming a real estate investor?

    By Krista Reuther - 12.11.24 1

    It’s possible for an investment property to fall into your lap, whether you were left a generous gift in someone’s will or you need to leave your primary residence for work but don’t want to sell.

    In other cases, folks daydream about investing in real estate until something finally prompts them to pull the trigger.

    I’m curious – how did you get started in real estate investing? If you’re someone who dreamt of creating wealth through real estate, how long did it take you to jump in?

  • Harrison Stevens


    I wanted to buy a house because the market had just crashed. I ended up finding a place and had a roommate at my current apartment who wanted to rent out the other room. Overall it worked out and when I moved out I rented the entire townhouse to a young couple

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