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  • Hello from the Education team!

    By Jonathan Forisha - 08.11.24 1

    Hi everyone, I’m Jonathan with TurboTenant. You may have seen my face or heard my voice in some of the videos or podcasts on our YouTube channel (if you haven’t, check them out now!).

    I’m the Director of Education and Community, which is a fancy way of saying that my team makes all the education to empower investors to grow their rental business in whatever way they want. There are a lot of laws out there, and a lot of horror stories of the ways that real estate investing can go wrong, and TurboTenant aims to give you the facts so that you can stay compliant while you provide a great rental experience to your tenants and keep that vital rental income flowing in on time every month.

    We built this forum as a way to let landlords connect with one another, ask questions, and discuss the issues that affect modern investing. We’re glad you’re here!

    If you’re curious about what we mean when we say education, here are a few links to get you started:

  • Krista Reuther


    Hi! I’m Krista from the Education team here at TurboTenant. I get to co-host our podcasts, Adventures in Landlording and Be a Better Landlord, with Jonathan. I also host our monthly webinar series, which you should definitely check out.

    I can’t wait to chat with y’all here in the Forum!

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