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  • Ceiling fell in

    By Anonymous - 10.09.24 2

    My tenant’s ceiling fell in two weeks ago in the middle of the night, and they went to stay in a hotel out of fear. They only stayed one night. Now they’re saying they want to deduct the cost of the hotel they stayed in from rent next month!! Granted, it’s taken over two weeks to resolve the issue, but still.

  • Anonymous


    Hi Krista. Wow, that is frustrating and I’m curious if you are liable for the cost of the hotel? Does anyone else know?

    • Anonymous


      That’s a good question! I paid for the hotel because it felt like the right thing to do, especially since the repairs took a hot minute and the tenant only stayed the first night. I would imagine I legally had to do it, but I don’t have a great free legal resource I could tap into 😐

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