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  • John Boland


    When a tenant asks for an accommodation or modification, I try to handle it properly and stay within Fair Housing rules, even though it sometimes feels like I don’t have much choice in the matter. I own two condos, and while I want to do the right thing, it can be tough to figure out what that is when the rules are so strict.

    Here’s what I usually do:

    • 1. Look Over the Request: First, I take a close look at what the tenant is asking for. I try to understand the details and think about how it might affect the property, now and down the line.
    • 2. Ask for Documentation: If the request involves a disability, I ask for some kind of proof to make sure it’s a genuine need. It’s not about being difficult—it’s just about making sure everything is above board and that I’m not setting myself up for future problems.
    • 3. Decide What’s Reasonable: Next, I think about whether the request is reasonable and if it would be a big financial or logistical challenge. If it seems fair and won’t cause major issues, I usually try to accommodate it.
    • 4. Give a Written Response: I always reply in writing, explaining my decision. If I can’t do what they’re asking, I make sure to explain why in a way that respects the Fair Housing rules—I don’t want to get into any legal trouble.
    • 5. Get It Done and Keep Records: If I approve the request, I make sure to get it done as soon as I can. I also keep detailed notes of all requests, decisions, and communications so I’m covered if any issues come up later.

    What am I doing wrong?